The HEI team has an impressive combined track record in investments, consulting, academia, business and fund management that has been applied to health or can be brought to health.

Hubbell Ventures as Shareholder of HEI – Heather-Anne Hubbell, the CEO of Hubbell Ventures Limited, located in Jersey in the Channel Islands, has developed Phundex, an investment platform and has overseen the growth of HEI’s innovation business. Living in Jersey, Hubbell Ventures has immediate associations and a respected worldwide- broad reach due to Jersey’s passporting arrangement with all the important international financial centres and jurisdictions that can bring investment to the HEI targets.

Hubbell Ventures Limited and its group is a consulting and investment business drawing on the expertise of its owners and over 40 producing associates. Hubbell Ventures has implemented many large global transformations, working at the highest echelons of corporate oversite in risk compliance, governance, and investment management dealing with major international banks, insurance companies, national banks, and regulators.

Hubbell Ventures principals and associates have over five decades of investment experience. Today’s investment portfolio specializes in innovative investments and covers interest in innovation, including Fintech, Health-Tech, Pro-Tech, Sport-Tech, and Ed-Tech.

In capital funding, the principals of Hubbell Ventures and its Canadian sister company Oriole Capital have raised capital in mortgage brokerage, public and private capital markets have structured and sold 275 private placements. They have raised over one hundred million dollars (CAD) in equity capital and over one billion dollars (CAD) in debt capital, managing over 7000 investors and acquiring over 500 properties and businesses across Canada and the US.

Innovation and Investment Management – HEI and its associates have combined the innovation expertise of HEI as described within and the years of expert involvement in innovative early-stage and small to medium-sized investment collaboration with its clients. This collaboration has resulted in a newly formed business, Environs Innovate Limited of Jersey, to manage and administer the Environs Group and its network. The Environs Group brings a regulated compliant network of companies to work on the Phundex Platform and support HEI’s endeavours. The result is a sophisticated business risk analysis and assessment vehicle.

In sport and wellness, HEI’s associates have developed major sports complexes, sat on government wellness and activity boards, run national governing sports bodies, developed a world-recognized coaching business, are international social-media influencers in sport, coached international athletes and competitive age=groupers, competed in the Olympics, and played professional sports, developed national activity programs, and raised capital for sport-based investments. The Environs Group is now leveraging on this experience by forming a sport related investment group

In health, HEI’s associates bring entrepreneurial and innovation management and administration experience on developing early-stage business, mentoring and fundraising. HealthEdge Innovation was a start-up in 2017, created out of the campus accelerator H2i. H2i is associated with the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine. H2i today manages over 130 deals and last year generated over $45,000,000 of benefits to the Canadian economy. The University of Toronto is one of the largest universities in the world. With its eleven faculties, associated accelerators, and ten teaching hospitals, it is one of the largest global innovation organizations. Phundex has co-developed an ‘Innovation Management System’ with H2i through HealthEdge Innovation. HEI has just signed a joint venture agreement to work with a partner that works with overseas Governments, healthcare providers and insurers to provide access to the best in the world in data and analytics, digital primary, secondary and tertiary care, online education and training, software as a medical device, healthcare planning and organisation, workforce and so much more.

HEI is consulting with, and funding disrupters in telehealth, digital health in primary and secondary health technology markets, HEI is consulting with two developing countries national health services by bringing HEI’s and its associates’ past experiences to provide co-operation, joint ventures to increase the functionality of their health offering and supply an impact and evidence monitoring process to measure the success of their health implementation processes.